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Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injecton (ICSI) 

Although Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI)  was introduced as an add on procedure to In vitro fertilization (IVF)  for couples with severe male factors , now a days it is routinely used in most of the IVF centers.  ICSI  involves injection of single sperm into a mature egg.

Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injecton (ICSI)

ICSI has a clear cut edge in male factor infertility like low sperm count , poor sperm motility , abnormal sperm morphology , nil sperm count due to blockage etc. ICSI is also the best option when fertilization rates in previous cycles have been low.

 In these cases the risk of fertilization failure after conventional IVF are high as the poor quality sperm may fail to penetrate the egg and result in failure. However, ICSI is Labour intensive and more expensive than Conventional IVF.


Conventional IVF  involves standard  insemination of eggs collected by egg retrieval and husband semen sample .

IVF is more successful in young couples with good ovarian reserve and normal semen parameters .Your chances of having a healthy baby using IVF depend on many factors, such as your age and the cause of infertility.

The current available studies that compare ICSI and IVF in couples with no male factor problems show neither method was superior to the other in achieving live birth, complications like multiple pregnancies etc.

The choice between both the fertility treatments would mostly rely on diagnosis and recommendation of your fertility specialist while its always great to have basic understanding of the process benefit & difference.

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Hand Foot Mouth Disease

Hand Foot Mouth Disease


What Is It?

Hand, Foot, and Mouth disease is a type of viral infection that causes ulcers in the mouth and blisters on the feet, hands and buttocks.

It is caused by coxsackievirus A16.

How Does HFMD Spread?

HFMD is contagious and can spread through Blister’s fluids, Feces, Sliva, Poop, and Mucus.

Hand Foot & Mouth Disease Symptoms:

Who Is At The Risk Of HFMD?

  • Young children under 5 and
  • Adults with low immunity

How Is HFMD Diagnosed?

  • Physical exam for the appearance of blisters and rashes.
  • A stool test confirms HFMD.

How Is HFMD Treated?

Prevention Measures For HFMD:

Carry Home Message-:

Unfortunately, there’s no cure and vaccine available to prevent Hand, Foot, and Mouth disease, but your healthcare provider can help make you more comfortable during recovery. In addition, HFMD is a fairly painful but not serious condition, and its symptoms usually clear up within 7 to 10 days.

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Monkeypox -What Is It?

Monkeypox -What Is It?

Monkeypox is a disease caused by the Monkeypox virus (MPXV).

Monkeypox Outbreak 2022

MPXV was first detected in 1958 in the colonies of monkeys in West and Central Africa.

Till late July 2022, the CDC agency (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) confirmed 16,800 cases of Monkeypox virus worldwide.

The first case of Monkeypox virus in India was reported in Kerala on 14 July 2022 and the figure is continuously increasing.

How Does Monkeypox Spread?

  • Can spread through close contact.
  • Can also spread through bites, scratches, or bodily fluids.

Signs & Symptoms Associated With Monkeypox

How MPX Diagnosed?
  • It is through a tissue sample taken from a lesion.
  • A blood sample confirms Monkeypox disease.
  • Doctor monitors and treats symptomatically.
  • No approved antiviral drug is available to cure this virus.
Carry Home Message-:
Monkeypox is rare, and there is no specific treatment for this disease. But, your healthcare provider can help you feel comfortable and prevent serious complications. So, don’t panic and call your doctor immediately after noticing the above-mentioned signs of the Monkeypox virus.

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