
Reviva IVF

Fresh VS Frozen Embryo Transfers: An Explanation through Comparisons

Fresh VS Frozen Embryo Transfers: An Explanation through Comparisons

Doctors initially introduced In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) with fresh embryo transfers as the only option due to the limited progress in cryopreservation techniques.

Fresh & Frozen Embryo Transfers

However, over the past years, significant advancements in:

Nowadays Generally FET’s are preferred depending upon various factors:-

  • Age of couple
  • No. of oocytes received
  • Quality of embryos
  • Hormonal parameters
  • Adequacy of endometrial lining

Fresh & Frozen Embryo Transfers

Understanding the Differences

Fresh Embryo Transfer

Frozen Embryo Transfer

Embryo Transfer

The Benefits & Drawbacks of Fresh & Frozen Embryo Transfer

Advantages of Fresh Embryo Transfers

  • The waiting time for fresh embryo transfer is shorter as embryos are transferred soon after fertilization.
  • The process avoids subjecting the embryos to the stress of freezing and thawing.
  • The fresh cycle involves the process of ovarian stimulation, which can result in a receptive endometrial lining if the woman does not experience hyper-response.
Disadvantages of Fresh Embryo Transfer
  • Ovarian stimulation during fresh cycles may result in OHSS (ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome), a potentially serious condition marked by enlarged & painful ovaries.
  • Fresh transfer is time-critical & needs to be synchronized with the natural menstrual cycle, providing limited flexibility in terms of timing.
Advantages of Frozen Embryo Transfers
  • FET provides a couple who have encountered challenging situations like cancer treatments with the opportunity to have children once they complete their treatments.
  • Reduced risk of ovarian hyperstimulation.
Disadvantages of Frozen Embryo Transfer
  • Not every embryo can withstand the freezing and thawing process, which could reduce the number of embryos that can be transferred.
  • Going through frozen embryo transfer can be quite time-consuming.

Factors to Consider When Deciding Between Fresh or Frozen Embryo Transfer

  • Personal health
  • Timing flexibility
  • Success rate

NOTE: REVIVA IVF & Fertility Clinic in Chandigarh provides advanced fertility preservation methods. Our dedicated healthcare team serves exceptional care with precision & expertise in reproductive healthcare. For specialized assistance with embryo transfer, reach out REVIVA IVF & Fertility Clinic

For more information contact us at: 9915004407

Things to Do to Improve Your Chances of IUI Success Rate

Things to Do to Improve Your Chances of IUI Success Rate

Every couple dreams of planning for their children & starting a new chapter of their life. Couples who are unable to conceive a child through the natural process opt for various methods from medical sciences, one of them is IUI (Intrauterine Insemination).

IUI success rate

Intrauterine Insemination is a fertility treatment in which the semen is washed from the male partner & transferred directly into the female partner’s uterus with the help of an IUI catheter. This method is used during the time of ovulation.

Who can have an IUI procedure?

Women with cervical & men with ejaculation dysfunction can go for this treatment. Some more indications can be:
High Success Rate for IUI Treatment

Although the success rate of IUI is 15-20% there are some things you can do to improve the chances of achieving a high success rate for IUI treatment. Here is what you can do:

Eat healthy:-

Eat Healthy for IUI Treatment
It is highly advisable to maintain a healthy & balanced diet after IUI treatment. Adding food like whole grains seeds, nuts & eggs to your diet can lead to successful fertilization.

Get in touch with your fertility expert:-

Meet the Fertility Expert IUI Success Rate
It is best to stay in constant touch with your fertility expert after the treatment. Our experts suggest to you the right way to achieve conception. You can get assistance from the beginning to the final stage of the treatments here.

Start Exercising:-

Exercising for IUI Treatment
Our experts advise that a little exercise is always suitable after the treatment of IUI. It also enhances the blood flow to the uterus and other reproductive organs.

Build & Maintain Positivity:

Maintain Positivity to Improve IUI success rate

It will be better for your health & body if you feel happy and positive in these times. Maintaining a positive attitude is a must during & after the process.

Maintain Healthy Sleep Pattern:-

Healthy Sleep to Improve IUI success rate

After the procedure, our IVF experts recommend you get at least 7-8 hours of sleep. It will not only help you to stay fresh but also improve your mental health and release your stress.

NOTE: When you opt for such an important artificial procedure, it is highly advisable to look after the do’s & don’ts of the things you can do afterward because this period is very crucial to getting successful results.

REVIVA fertility & IVF clinic takes care of everything for couples who can’t conceive & provides full assistance in the best IVF & IUI treatment in CHD.



Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injecton (ICSI) 

Although Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI)  was introduced as an add on procedure to In vitro fertilization (IVF)  for couples with severe male factors , now a days it is routinely used in most of the IVF centers.  ICSI  involves injection of single sperm into a mature egg.

Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injecton (ICSI)

ICSI has a clear cut edge in male factor infertility like low sperm count , poor sperm motility , abnormal sperm morphology , nil sperm count due to blockage etc. ICSI is also the best option when fertilization rates in previous cycles have been low.

 In these cases the risk of fertilization failure after conventional IVF are high as the poor quality sperm may fail to penetrate the egg and result in failure. However, ICSI is Labour intensive and more expensive than Conventional IVF.


Conventional IVF  involves standard  insemination of eggs collected by egg retrieval and husband semen sample .

IVF is more successful in young couples with good ovarian reserve and normal semen parameters .Your chances of having a healthy baby using IVF depend on many factors, such as your age and the cause of infertility.

The current available studies that compare ICSI and IVF in couples with no male factor problems show neither method was superior to the other in achieving live birth, complications like multiple pregnancies etc.

The choice between both the fertility treatments would mostly rely on diagnosis and recommendation of your fertility specialist while its always great to have basic understanding of the process benefit & difference.

Preparing for Donor Eggs IVF Cycle – Psychological Issues

Preparing for Donor Eggs IVF Cycle – Psychological Issues

Preparing for Donor Eggs

In about 50% of our patients, being taken for IVF, the oocyte quality or quantity is the major concern. It’s very easy for us to show you the path of egg donation as it is a routine for us. But we know it is not that simple for you. Though it carries a very high success rate, but psychological implications on the recipient are very high.

The major indications for IVF with donor oocytes in Reviva are –

  • Premature ovarian failure
  • Menopause
  • Decreased ovarian reserve
  • Endometriosis
  • Recurrent self cycle failures with no proven endometrial or male factor.
  • Genetic causes.

It takes time for the couple to accept the option of Donor eggs, but usually the desire of having a family overcomes this hesitation.

The most important concern of the couple is the quality of genes transmitted to the child. Though the anonymous egg donor is being matched to the recipient as far as possible, the concern always remains in majority of recipient; they are satisfied with their gestational contribution which creates a strong bond.

Another way of dealing with it is to keep the information of type of cycle between the couple only, it will serve you from interrogation eyes and any future problems will be avoided.

On positive note egg donation is associated with many benefit. The most important since eggs are derived from a young woman, they are more likely to produce chromosomally normal embryos and so risk of abortions and birth defects is less.

So, though egg donation is not the first choice of anyone, but it is treatment with very high success rate where it is indicated.

Why a trend from fresh to frozen embryo transfer?

Why a trend from fresh to frozen embryo transfer?

frozen embryo transfer

Whenever a sudden shift is made from fresh embryo transfer to frozen embryo transfer the couple usually have many queries in mind. So, let’s evaluate both and see pros and cons.

Fresh embryos transfer is undergoing ovarian hyper stimulation making of embryos and transferring resultant embryos to uterine cavity in same cycle. In frozen embryo transfer first two steps of controlled ovarian hyper stimulation and process of IVF/ICSI are same but the resultant embryos are frozen using vitrification techniques and not transferred in same cycle. They are thawed and then kept uterine cavity after preparing the uterine cavity.

In patients who are normal or hyper responders the frozen embryo transfers are known to have better results than the fresh embryo transfer . The reason can be that due to ovarian hyper stimulation and high levels of estrogen may have negative impacts on the endometrial receptivity. In some cycles another hormone called progesterone may also be raised, which again decreases embryo implantation rate. Whereas in frozen embryo transfer the body and uterus have already recovered from the impact of hormonal disturbance and hence more receptive.

Because of their reason in patient with PCOS the frozen embryo transfer is associated with higher live birth rate. It also reduces complications like ovarian hypertimulation in these patients.

Another reason where we make a sudden shift from fresh to frozen embryo transfer are when the ovarian stimulation part is good but the endometrial thickness fails to reach an optimal level.

So because of the above reasons we are moving towards more frozen transfer than fresh transfers in self cycle.

Can Adenomyosis affect my fertility

Can Adenomyosis affect my fertility

Can Adenomyosis affect fertility

What is Adenomyosis?

Adenomyosis is a condition in which the cells of endometrium (the uterine lining) are present inside the muscular wall of uterus. There is also associated hypertrophy uterine muscles.

How Adenomyosis Impacts Fertility?

Adenomyosis can affect fertility in two ways. Firstly it effects the uterine contractions which helps sperms to reach the tubes. Secondly it also increases the number of toxic cells in the uterine lining which may effect the implantation of embryos.

Adenomyosis and Endometriosis: How They Impact Fertility

Adenomyosis may also be associated with endometriosis, a condition in which the uterine lining cells are present in the ovaries or other sites in pelvic. This may further effect the oocyte quality and number, further contributing to difficulty in conception.

If you want to learn more about this conditions or have any concerns, you can ask our fertility experts.